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County Register of Deeds Jennifer L. Grant
County Prosecuter Joseph Hubbell
County Administrator Deborah Allen
prepares meeting agendas
County Board of Commissioners:
District 3 Douglas Rexroat , Vice-Chairman
District 4 Ty Wessell, Chairman
Executive Session Meetings: (Agendas Here)
Each 2nd Tuesday of the Month 9:00am
Regular BOC Meetings: (Agendas Here)
Each 3rd Tuesday of the Month 7:00pm
Republican Delegates elected August 2, 2022
Delegates are alloted per precinct. Serving a 2 year term. This is the allotment of Leelanau's 2022 Republican Delegates:
Bingham Township (9)
Centerville Township (4)
Cleveland Township (3)
Elmwood Township Precinct#1 (10)
Elmwood Township Precinct#2 (6)
Empire Township (4)
Glen Arbor Township (4)
Kasson Township (5)
Leelanau Township (6)
Leland Township (8)
Solon Township (6)
Suttons Bay Township (9)
City of Traverse City Precinct#4 (1)
Total Republican Delegates: 75
The Next Election for Delegates is the 2024 Presidential Primary.
Representative Betsy Coffia (D) District103 Michigan
Hometown: Traverse City
Michigan House of Representatives
The Honorable Betsy Coffia
P.O.Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514
Phone: 517-373-3817
State Senator John DaMoose (R) District 37 Michigan
Hometown: Harbor Springs
The Honorable John DaMoose
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Phone: 517-373-2629
billtrack50.com/state senator john damoose
U.S. Senator Jack Bergman (R) 1st District Michigan
Traverse City Office:
1396 Douglas Drive, Suite 22B
Traverse City, MI 49696
Phone: 231-944-7633
Email: Bergman.constituent@mail.house.gov
Washington Office:
566 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-4735
Michigan's 102nd Legislature
2023 Michigan House Session Schedule(pdf)
To find current Activity in the Michigan House(use these links)...
Michigan Senate
2023 Michigan Senate Session Schedule(pdf)
To find current Activity in the Michigan Senate(use these links)...
Supreme Court of Michigan
Activity in the court...
U.S. House of Representatives
Activity in the House...
U.S. Senate
Activity in the Senate...
U.S. Supreme Court
Activity in the highest court...
Thank you for contacting the LCRP! Look for a response from us soon!
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