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Leelanau County Republican Party Bylaws

Proposed Revision presented by Bylaws Committee

David V. McCulloch, Chairman

Karen Zemaitis, Member

Steve Yoder, Member

Downloadable PDF


Section 1 – Name:

The organization shall be known as the Leelanau County Republican Party

(hereafter referred to as the “LCRP”). 

Section 2 – Purpose:

A. Promote, support and advance Republican Party principles.                       

B. Seek out and encourage qualified persons who support Republican Party principles to become candidates for public office and upon their nomination, to actively assist them to win elections.

C. Perform all duties provided by law and such other duties not prohibited by law as will benefit the general welfare of the LCRP.

Section 3 – Membership:

Membership in the LCRP is open to any Republican living in Leelanau County who is registered to vote. Members who demonstrate in words or deeds that they do not support the LCRP, or who are in conflict with LCRP Bylaws or have an affiliation with any political organization which is not officially recognized as working in concert with the LCRP, the MRP or the RNC, may be removed from membership by a vote of the Executive Committee. A pro-rata refund of dues will be mailed with a letter notifying the member of the action.

Section 4 – Dues:

Annual dues are payable on January 2 of each calendar year and considered late on February 15.  To be a member of the LCRP, dues must be current. Delegate-elected members of the Executive Committee whose dues are not paid may be considered to have resigned from the Executive Committee. Nominee Members whose dues are not paid in time will have all voting privileges suspended until dues are paid to the LCRP.


Section 1 – Establishment:

The Executive Committee shall be elected as provided by law and State Party Rules per Article II, Section 3 of these bylaws. The Executive Committee shall elect a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, and shall fill any vacancies occurring in these offices per Article IV,  Section 3.

Section 2 – Duties:

A. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to establish general policy for and conduct the affairs of the LCRP and to perform such additional duties as may be required by law or the LCRP.

B. In addition, the Executive Committee shall encourage, recognize and aid in the establishment of those organizations within Leelanau County that will enhance the activities of the Republican Party.

Section 3 – Membership:

A. Election: Within Thirty (30) days following the November election (in even numbered years) the “Call to Convention” shall be issued by the Chairman to convene the Fall County Election Convention. Precinct Delegates to the Convention shall select persons who will be members of the Executive Committee.

B. Makeup: The Executive Committee shall be made up of an equal number of  Nominee Members and Precinct Delegate-Elected Members.

C. Nominee Members: Nominee Members shall be those persons nominated in the last preceding Primary election for County Offices and State of Michigan Legislative Offices representing and residing in Leelanau County. Should a Republican nominee be defeated in the  General Election, the seat on the Executive Committee would be held by that Republican nominee, not by the person who won the election representing another political party.

D. Delegate-Elected Members: At the convention,  Precinct Delegates shall select a number of Delegate-Elected Members equal to the number of Nominee Members to the Executive Committee. Delegated-Elected Members must be registered voters who reside in Leelanau  County.

E. New Nomination: When a new nomination is made for each elective office, the new member shall replace the former Nominee Member as a member of the Executive Committee.

F. Vacancies: If a vacancy occurs, the vacancy may only be filled by the person who is the new nominee for the office in question.


Section 1 – LCRP Meetings:

LCRP Meetings shall be held at least two (2) times each calendar year, at a time and location to be determined by the LCRP Chairman.

Section 2 – Executive Committee:

A. Regular Meetings: Regular Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at least six (6) times a calendar year at times and locations within Leelanau County, to be determined by the Chairman.

B. Quorum: A quorum shall be defined as those voting members present.

C. Special Meetings of the Executive Committee: Special Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called by the Chairman when  deemed advisable and shall be called when requested, in writing, by five (5) members of the Committee. 

D. Notice: An agenda and preliminary notice of the subject matter to be considered at meetings shall be forwarded by the secretary to each member of the Executive Committee with notice of the time and location of the meeting not fewer than five (5) days prior to each meeting. Two days notice shall be given for special meetings.

E. Attendance: Any Delegate-Elected Member who shall fail to be present for three (3) consecutive meetings, shall be considered to have resigned from the Executive Committee.


Section 1 – Designation:

The Officers of the Executive Committee shall be a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer and such other officers as may be appointed by the Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 2 – Election and Term:

A. The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and the Treasurer shall be elected by the Executive Committee within thirty (30) days following the Fall Convention (held in even-numbered years).

B. Terms in office shall be two (2) years commencing January 1 of the odd numbered years.

Section 3 – Vacancies:

A. If an officer shall resign, move out of the County or become ineligible to hold office, there shall be a vacancy in that office.

B. If the vacancy occurs in the office of Chairman, the powers and duties of the Chairman shall be assumed immediately and automatically by the Vice Chairman until a new Chairman is elected.

C. All vacancies in offices shall be filled by elections by the Executive Committee for the remainder of the term.

D. Such elections shall be held not fewer than fifteen (15) days nor more than forty-five (45) days after the vacancy occurs.


Section 1 – Chairman:

The Chairman shall:

A. Serve as Chief Executive Officer of the LCRP.

B. The chairman shall preside at all meetings, be an ex-officio member of all committees and subject to approval of the Executive Committee, appoint the Chairman and members of all committees and hire and dismiss full-time and part-time personnel for positions.

C. The Chairman shall be responsible for directing the administration of the headquarters and staff, managing the day-to-day affairs of the LCRP and coordinating the activities of the LCRP organizations.

D. The Chairman shall submit a proposed annual budget no later than February 1 of each year for review and approval by the Executive Committee.

E. The Chairman shall submit reports to the Executive Committee as may be required by action of the Committees, keep the Committees informed of the Republican Party Programs and activities and may assign to other officers and committees such duties as may be necessary.   

F. The Chairman shall be a resident of Leelanau County.

Section 2 – Vice Chairman:

The Vice Chairman shall: 

A. Preside at all meetings of the LCRP in the absence of, or at the direct request of, the Chairman and shall perform such other duties as directed by the Chairman and/or the Executive Committee.

B. In the event the Chairman is unable to act, the powers and duties of the Chairman shall be assumed by the Vice Chairman, until such inability is removed or until the Chairman shall again take up the duties of the office. 

Section 3 – Secretary:

The Secretary shall:

A. Keep a permanent record of the minutes and the attendance at all meetings and make copies of the minutes for members of the Executive Committee.

B. See that all notices are duly given as required by Law and these Bylaws.

Section 4 – Treasurer:

The Treasurer shall:

A. Be bonded, have the care and custody of all monies paid to the LCRP and shall keep an accurate account in permanent records of all receipts and disbursements of funds using proper and orderly accounting methods.   

He/she shall:

B. Render a financial statement showing the revenues, expenditures, outstanding obligations and cash balances of the LCRP quarterly or at the request of the Chairman.

C. Deposit all monies in the LCRP accounts at a bank designated by the Chairman and Treasurer.

D. Pay all duly authorized bills on time (bills may be authorized by an elected officer of the Executive Committee). 

E. Be responsible for the proper and timely filing of all financial reports required by law.


The Chairman may establish any other committees (such as Membership, Communications, Finance, Campaign, etc.)  as deemed necessary, with the approval of the Executive Committee.



A. All resolutions, with the exception of resolutions honoring an individual for special service to the Party or community, shall be submitted to the LCRP Chairman at least five (5) days prior to the mailing of notice of the meeting at which they are proposed to be introduced.

B. A copy of each proposed resolution shall be communicated to members of the Executive Committee with the notice of the meeting.


A. The resources of the LCRP shall not be used to endorse or support individual candidates in contested Republican Primary Elections when both candidates support the Republican Party and are dues-paying members of the LCRP.

B. When a candidate running in a Republican Party Primary Election declares that he or she is a Republican

1. but is not a dues-paying member of the LCRP and fails to support the Republican Party ticket,

2. or supports a candidate on an opposition ticket,

3. or advocates voting a split ticket or contributes to the campaign of an opposition ticket or

4. takes actions which are in conflict with the LCRP or Bylaws, the candidate will not have the endorsement of the LCRP. 


These Bylaws may be amended by a majority of the total membership of the Executive Committee present and voting. A notice of any proposed revision or amendment shall accompany the meeting notice to each member of the Committee. No amendment shall take effect until it has been adopted by the Executive Committee.


A. These Bylaws shall be adopted when approved by the majority of the total membership of the Executive Committee present.

B. These Bylaws are hereby declared to be in full force and effect on the date of their adoption by the Executive Committee. Upon adoption, a copy shall be given to each member of the Executive Committee.  A copy of these Bylaws shall be given to all subsequent new members of the Executive Committee.

EXECUTED ON THIS 24th DAY OF January, 2018.


Karan Josephus,  Chairman

Janie Graham,  Secretary

Michelle A. McManus , Notary Public

State of Michigan, Leelanau County 

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