May Event Calendar

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May Meetings

  • Townships

  • School Boards

  • County

    March 2nd, 2023 - LCRP Executive Committee meeting @5:30pm

    LCRP General Membership Meeting@6:30pm  - Lower Level of Governmental Center 

    March 14th,2023 - County BOC Executive Session 9:00am

    March 21st, 2023 - County BOC Regular Session 7:00pm

  • State

  • Federal

  • Leelanau County Republican Party (LCRP)

  • 1st District Michigan

    February 17th - Lansing

    Elect District 1 Leadership

  • State MIGOP

    February 18 - Lansing

    State Convention- elect MIGop Leadership

  • National RNC

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  • Local Affiliates

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May Events

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