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To read the grant proposal click on this link
1. This is the worst place in the country to support solar energy
2. Top of page 7 mentions "educating the public'. That is not defined anyplace in the state laws that define your duties...
and you took an oath. That is simply wrong to use our taxpayers money and time to do this.
3. Joe DeFores spent a lot of time developing this report. He should have been a lobbyist, because he's good. However, this is a conflict of interest because $8000 is directed to this organization as identified #17 on pg 31.
4. Stay out of the Electric Vehicle initiative, page 7. You aren't just going to the grocery store, and then just wait at your are here to serve the public during all weather conditions, time of day, and the seat is warm.
5. Middle of page 8, Locating the panels above parking lots is a terrible idea. 13ft up in the air, maintenance, need a bucket-lift to work on them, clean them, plowing around the posts, salt corrosion on posts, bird poop and nests.
6. Throughout the report it mentions lower costs of solar energy. Bottom of page 8, says it will save $35,000/yr...cost is $1.1 M......
31 year payback!!
7. #2 on page 13 says up to $1.2 million over the life time. So like I just will take 30 years.
8. Biggest thing left out of this report is yearly expenses and end-of-life. That is terrible. None of us will be here to maintain these, replace, or take them down.
9. National Renewable Energy Lab states that maintenance is $31/yr per installed Kilowatt. Some state $1000 per twenty panels. Any way you want to look at it, it is approximately $11,000/yr. Where are you going to get this money? You do not need to spend taxpayers money on solar energy.
10. The yearly expense, including valuable staff time is over $1/4 million
11. Take that money, and give it to the Sherriff department so that we can hire and retain officers.
12. Bottom of page 8 says you will save $35,000/yr. Fine, but you have to subtract's then closer to $24,000/year savings...46 year payback. Plus, the terrible location of this installation will definitely increase the maintenance. This is a terrible error in this report.
13. Top of page 8 states 1.58 MW annually. Not sure what that it load or hours? Consumption?
14. Really need to look at Pgs 22-24. Grants and changes to grants are not easy to implement. You need money. It is cumbersome. You need to stay out of electric do not have the time, skills, or budget.
15. A very big item is man-power, to build it, and then maintain it.
16. Really look hard at page 28.
- with the staffing mess that you are in, you are now going to add to it
- 3 weeks of work for the Administrator, just to build it (hire, evaluation) -3 weeks of work for the Finance Director (that is a revolving door) -1-2 weeks of Treasure time (if I was a treasure, I would tell you to go fly a kite...I have compliance duties)
- 3-4 weeks of Facilities Manager time (wow...facilities doesn't have the manpower to do the job properly now) You do not even have a Facilities Engineer...that is terrible.
This whole project could go to hell if you don't administer it right or finance it correctly right from the start.
Thank you for contacting the LCRP! Look for a response from us soon!
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