From: Recall Bad Betsy
Date: Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 8:56 PM
Subject: Update on the Recall

 Today the Board of Canvassers held their hearing to approve the Recall Petition language for Betsy Coffia and 7 other State Reps being targeted for Recall. All but one was denied including Betsy Coffia's. The only one approved was for Republican State Rep Cam Cavitt.

 The Democrat lawyer tried to stop the whole process arguing that the Petition Forms were insufficient because they didn't provide a Campaign Finance disclaimer. However, since the forms were the ones that the SOS office provided and there is no precedence for needing such a disclaimer on previous petitions, that argument didn't hold water. 

 He also claimed that the petitions were all written by one person and signed by ghost citizens. That argument didn't stand because one of the petition filers was there and assured the Board that he was very much real and did approve and sign the petition. 

 The Democrats are also beside themselves trying to figure out "who" is behind these recall efforts. What they fail to understand is the power of the grassroots "army" who are taking a stand across the state. Perhaps it's because we are no longer staying silent!

 The Board, made of 2 Republicans and 2 Democrats, was clearly looking for any reason to deny the petitions and concluded their denial would stand on the words "sufficient clarity" and was voted down 2-2. They have to obtain 3-1 to pass. 

 Election law states that the Recall Petition language has to be factual and have sufficient clarity. The language on the Petition for Betsy said "On April 13th 2023, Betsy Coffia voted yes on House Bill 4145." It is both factual and clear! Their argument was that it should also include a description of the Bill, making the assumption that voters are too dumb to know how to look it up or that signature collectors would lie about what was in the Bill. Therefore, their determination was that it lacked "sufficient clarity".  One Democrat even made the argument that it should be denied simply because she didn't like the handwriting! 

 IT'S NOT OVER!!  This stalling tactic was anticipated and many of the petition filers were ready and re-filed using the "sufficient clarity" the BOC wanted. The Recall Petition for Betsy Coffia is re-filed and now states " On April 13, 2023, State Representative Betsy Coffia voted yes on Michigan House Bill 4145 creating an Extreme Risk Protection order (Red Flag Law)"

 NOW WHAT? The BOC has 10-20 days to hold another hearing to approve this new language. We are not giving up! This will give us more time to prepare walk lists, add volunteers and collect donations towards the Recall. We are just getting started. 


 We've decided to add an extra layer of support to the signature collection effort, so we are looking for Township Captains. This person does not have to live in the Township, just willing to help coordinate the address dispersion and collection, look up names in the QVF and make phone calls. This would be a good spot for someone who wants to help but cannot get out and walk.  Please consider people you know who would fill this position. 

 We know this is not an easy task and that there will be many hurdles BUT with great risk comes great reward and what we are certain of is this... Good WILL triumph over evil, we ARE on the side of good AND God is with us! 



From: Recall Bad Betsy
Date: July 31, 2023 at 10:30:50 PM EDT
Subject: August 1st Recall Hearing

 Fellow patriots,

 Tomorrow August 1st the Board of Canvassers will be meeting in Lansing to vote on approval of the Recall Petition Language. We have heard that the Democrats will have their lawyer on site working to stall this process. They know that we are coming for them and we will take back the HOUSE! Please pray that God's power will be on full display as we prepare to launch into action being the hands and feet of Him who goes before us. Once this Petition Language is approved, we get to work! We have the Petitions in the queue at the printers just waiting for the thumbs up. By Saturday, we will be training our Township Captains and passing out Petition Packets and training videos throughout the week. We will soon be launching a website for our cause which will contain updates, signature gathering locations and a link for donations. Stay tuned for more important information to come. And bring your friends! We need volunteers to collect signatures regardless if they live in the District.  Send me their name and email address and we'll get them plugged in! We are American Citizens saying "ENOUGH!" WE THE PEOPLE are taking our Government back. Starting with our local House District. 






Board of State Canvassers

August 1, 2023

Binsfeld Office Building

201 Townsend Street, Lansing, MI 48933

10:00 a.m.


1. Public Comment.

2. Consideration of the meeting minutes for the July 17, 2023 meeting.

3. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Sebastian Palamara against Jaime Churches.

4. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Barbara Willing against Betsey Coffia.

5. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Linda Ensley against Jennifer Conlin.

6. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Holli E. Vallade against Reggie Miller.

7. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Gary R. Wnuk against Cameron Cavitt.

8. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Michael T. Ross against Sharon MacDonell.

9. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Gerald Clixby against Noah Arbit.

10. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Jerome Allen against Donni Steele.

11. Other business as presented to the Board.

The order of the agenda and time for public comment are at the discretion of the chairperson

of the Board. Individuals seeking to address the Board may do so at the meeting but are also

encouraged to email

Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting

should email or call the Bureau of Elections at 517-335-3234

at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting.

The meeting will be streamed live on Michigan Senate TV and will be available following the 

 meeting on the Board of State Canvassers YouTube channel. 

I'll be watching live and will report the results.

 God Bless!

Prayers appreciated!

emailed to Membership Saturday July 29, 2023

Subject: Update on the Recall via Recall Bad Betsy emails

For the focus of this email I am sharing information on the Recall opportunity in our 103rd that will be here VERY soon. Like next week, soon! 😊...

The Liberal Left has made a mockery of our representative government! Videos on the House floor show Democrat leaders gaveling through the Left's Agenda without debate or discussion. Many Bills skipping the Committee process all together and being presented just hours before the floor vote. The Liberal Left Democrats have made it clear that they don't care about Michigan voters, only pushing their far-left agenda!

 Your State House Representative in District 103, Betsy Coffia is one of them! She has voted in lock step with the Democrat Detroit Liberals, making it clear she does not care about her constituents in Northern Michigan. Here are just some of the things she has voted on:

 - Yes on forcing employers and taxpayers to pay for elective abortions.

- Yes on forcing employees to join Unions and employers to pay for it.

- Yes on Partial Birth Abortion for any reason

- Yes on Churches and pastors being sued for hiring or not hiring staff based on religious beliefs.

- Yes on DEI, CRT and Drag Queen story hours indoctrinating our children.

- Yes on allowing illegal immigrants to vote. 

- Yes on voting without an ID

 The list goes on and on! Betsy is a disaster for Northern Michigan families and businesses! 

She is also attacking law abiding gun owners with her push for ‘Red Flag laws’ which violate our 1st, 2nd,4th , and 5th Amendment Rights!

Red Flag Laws will discourage people from seeking help in fear of losing their guns.

Red Flag Laws violate a law-abiding gun owner’s freedom to own guns.

Red Flag Laws will lead to unlawful search and seizure.

Red Flag Laws will allow anyone to report you as a danger, deeming you guilty until proven innocent! 


 The law provides for 'We the People' to recall any elected official when they are not representing us. If we want to secure the liberties and freedoms for our children and grandchildren, Rep. Betsy Coffia must be recalled now before things get worse! 6 months is enough!

 A citizens initiative has been launched in that effort and we are asking for YOUR HELP!!

- On August 1st the Board of Canvassers will vote to approve the Recall Petition in Lansing. Which simply says: "On April 13th 2023, Rep. Betsy Coffia voted Yes on House Bill 4145." (Red Flag Laws) That language meets the law requirements of both being factual and clear. 

Here is a copy (with a link) of the Board of State Canvassers press release announcing their date to review the language.

       Board of State Canvassers to meet August 1 in Lansing


The Board of State Canvassers will meet at 10 a.m. on August 1 in Room 1100 of the Binsfeld Office Building, 201 Townsend St. in Lansing. This is a special meeting not on the regular schedule.

Included on the agenda will be:

  1. Public Comment.
  2. Consideration of the meeting minutes for the July 17, 2023 meeting.
  3. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Sebastian Palamara against Jaime Churches.
  4. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Barbara Willing against Betsey Coffia.
  5. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Linda Ensley against Jennifer Conlin.
  6. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Holli E. Vallade against Reggie Miller.
  7. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Gary R. Wnuk against Cameron Cavitt.
  8. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Michael T. Ross against Sharon MacDonell.
  9. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Gerald Clixby against Noah Arbit.
  10. Consideration of the sufficiency of the recall petition submitted by Jerome Allen against Donni Steele.
  11. Other business as presented to the Board.



Attending and speaking at a Board of State Canvassers meeting

The order of the agenda and time for public comment are at the discretion of the chairperson of the
Board. Individuals seeking to address the Board may do so at the meeting but are also
encourage to email

Persons with disabilities needing accommodations for effective participation in this meeting should email or call the Bureau of Elections at 517-335-3234 at least 24 hours prior to the start of the meeting.

The meeting will be streamed live on Michigan Senate TV and will be available following the
meeting on the Board of State Canvassers 
YouTube channel.



- On August 5th the work begins to collect 16,000 signatures in all of District 103 to trigger a November 2023 election. 

We cannot be sure that it will be November because of the aspects of this process that are beyond our control. But we want to keep you informed along the way so stay tuned. And even better… jump in to find out where you can help! :D

 We are getting this done in 30 days with YOUR HELP to collect signatures! We are asking for volunteers to walk their neighborhood and Township in District 103 to collect the needed signatures. 16,000 may sound like a lot but when you break it down across Benzie, Leelanau and Grand Traverse County, the voters are there who want to see a correction and "many hands make light work." When we replace Betsy with a Republican Representative, the Democrats will lose the majority in the House and their power will be neutralized! We will stop the madness!! 

Are you getting excited to take back the House? This Operation Recall and Replace is about to get started. Remember …AUGUST 1St the B.O.C. will be voting to approve the Recall Petition language. Please pray that the crooked left follows the laws and we move forward. Once it's in our hands, we need to collect those 16,000 signatures! It's a BIG task BUT we can do it with many people helping out and with God in our corner! Talk to your friends and neighbors. Talk to every God, Family & Country Loving American who is tired of Betsy Coffia not representing their American values. Let's add them to the group and stay connected. Petition Packets will be ready to go in 1 week!

 In the meantime, people are talking about this across the state. Check out the news clips from just a few corners of Michigan: (this link is currently not working, it either was removed or blocked, but it is a quick 5min and hopefully you may find it back up at some point.) ( 6 minutes) (copy and paste the link) Trucker Randy Bishop on Patriot Voice Network – 24min of July 14th, 2023 broadcast 


 Joining this movement is easy! Simply reply to this email that YOU'RE IN. Let us know what neighborhood you live in and we will provide you with a specific Walk List and instructions. Can you commit to collecting 50, 100, 200 signatures? Let us know and join the army of concerned Northern Michigan voters who will send a message to Lansing and to Betsy that we do not want their liberal policies here. 


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